Embodied Spirit, Conscious Earth
From Embryology to Embodied Relational Spiritual Practice
It’s 30 years since Linda Hartley wrote her very widely loved and admired introduction to Body-Mind Centering (BMC): Wisdom of the Body Moving. Since then, her work and practice have taken her deeper into BMC, mindfulness training, embodied awareness, Release Work and the Discipline of Authentic Movement. Her long-awaited new book draws together all these strands, and many others, into a remarkable guide to somatic movement and embodied awareness, specifically written for a time of climate and ecological crisis and with one eye clearly on the beginnings and the endings of life.
As well as condensing her lifetime’s experience, Linda suggests a path:
- to explore our own embodied awareness
- to understand the patterned impact of conception, embryological development, birth and infant development
- to rediscover our connection with the consciousness of the Earth and the more-than-human world
- to find a healthier relationship with our planetary home and the collective body
- to explore the relationship between the matter of body and the mystery of Spirit, through the arc of human development from conception to the end of life.
Embodied Spirit, Conscious Earth ~ Linda Hartley
September 2024 ~ 264pp. ~ £22.50 ~ 978-1-913743-99-4
20% discount from the publishers Triarchy Press www.triarchypress.net/esce
IBMT Book – Discounts Available
Read the Review in ‘Journal of Dance, Movement & Spiritualities’, by Roz Carrol, relational body psychotherapist, supervisor and author.
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Understanding Babies: Ania Witkowska
In 2021 Ania’s Book was published: Understanding Babies: How engaging with your baby’s movement development helps build a loving relationship
Ania was a long standing, key member of the IBMT faculty and wider somatic community until her untimely death in 2019.
Somatic Psychology – Body, Mind & Meaning : Linda Hartley
This book draws attention to the interface of psychotherapy and psychological theory with the somatic practices of bodywork and movement therapy. To offer a client only psychotherapy, or only bodywork, may subtly or directly reinforce the body-mind split from which so many of us suffer: in some cases this will be a reinforcement of a dilemma central to the client’s problems. Hartley views body psychotherapy and transpersonal psychology as reintegrating the once separated processes of psyche, soma, and spirit.
20% Discount available until December 31, 2024. Use Code PSC15 when ordering the book via www.wiley.com
Current IBMT students are able to get 40% discount, please see the module reading list for details
Wisdom of the Body Moving – An Introduction to Body Mind Centering
Devoting thirty-five years to a systematic investigation of the relations between bodily experience and the anatomical maps of science, [Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen] independently discovered many of the principles that underlie Feldenkrais work, cranial osteopathy, Rolfing, dance therapy, and Zero Balancing. …
Drawing on animal and infant movements, [Linda Hartley] takes readers through the wondrous realms of Bainbridge Cohen’s pantheon — from the “minds” of the skeletal and muscular systems to the quite different inner lives of digestive, lymphatic, urinary, respiratory, vocal, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive organs. Her choreography ultimately brings us into the states of consciousness of skin, cells, blood, fat, cerebrospinal fluid, nervous system, and brain.
Creative Bodies in Therapy, Performance and Community: Research & Practice that Brings us Home
IBMT faculty Member, Paul Beaumont has contributed a chapter to this publication entitled: Breath, Belly & Back. Dropping into Body as Ground.
This chapter describes the value of connecting with and trusting the body within Somatic Movement Therapy and beyond. As we feel safe enough to move and sense, we can be with the unknow and trust what emerges. The author describes the significance of sensing the detail of what we notice when we pay attention. He names the significance of Body Mind Centering®, anatomy and physiology and infant movement development. Authentic Movement as a practice also informs the detailed tracking of sensory, kinaesthetic and proprioceptive experience as we develop on our body intelligence. The author draws on what he has observed in babies, his own experience and how he applies this in working with clients. He includes details of the arc of working with one adult client as they move through stages of embodied creativity. He offers the reader several simple explorations to try for themselves that illustrate elements of the author’s practice. The chapter gives the reader material to reflect on both personally and professionally, valuing the body as a resource for growth and creativity.