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Beginning with the Skin

Beginning the 2 year Body Systems module this weekend. Our second year of running courses in Devon. Students gathering from Spain, Bulgaria and China as well as across the UK. Some continuing from the Infant Movement module, others new.

Beginning with the skin, our surface layer, that holds us and where we meet the world.

Arriving through this felt sense, we land, receive and offer. Exploring the language of the skin, it’s collective and personal associations. What is named, what is left in the shadow.

Delving into the landscape of the cell and it’s membrane. Taking in images from Anatomy and Physiology, again noticing the personal images and associations that arise, from the ground of form and function. Coming into the field of touch and relationship.

As we begin this 2 years of study together, we connect with the fundamental aspects of our somatic practices that are at the heart of IBMT. Beginning with our body, what is sensed and felt. What we can explore from our own starting point, expanding, deepening from there. And how we can be supported in this by the attention and contact of another.

Details of the module can be seen here.