Home » Infant Movement Development

Module: Infant Movement Development

Image of a person crawling

The developmental process unfolds through a series of movement patterns which lead us from our ‘being’ to our ‘doing’ nature: from bonding to earth and mother, to establishing a sense of self, to reaching out in play, creative action and relationship. The natural unfolding of the developmental patterns underlies all areas of future learning in the infant, child and adult — movement, perceptual, psychological, intellectual and spiritual growth are all profoundly influenced and supported by these early movement experiences. Embodying the developmental process through focused exercises and movement improvisations can help us to clarify and strengthen the foundations of our movement, and free energy for creative expression.

Study will include both theoretical and experiential aspects, with a strong focus on the embodiment of each stage of development. This will be supported through:

  • the practice of specific movement exercises
  • movement explorations of the principles of development
  • partner exercises involving touch and movement re-patterning
  • observation and assessment of personal movement patterns
Group Drawing
Bodywork 4
Belly Crawling Exploration
A person slowly on the floor with eyes closed
Infant Movement Outside
Group Drawing
Belly Crawling Exploration

The embodiment of inherent movement potentials underlies the development of a sense of self; and the way the infant is supported, or not, in this process influences the evolution of embodied patterns of relating and being in the world. This will be addressed through:

  • an understanding of how the sense of self emerges through early touch and movement experiences
  • exploration and integration of feelings evoked through the embodiment of early movement patterns

This Module is now Full – the next opportunity to join the training is with Embodied Anatomy & Movement Repatterning, in Autumn 2025.

Tutor: Paul Beaumont. Assistant/s: Ali Rose & Mel Softley

2024/25 Dates:  20-22 September 2024, 22-24 November 2024, 24 – 27 (4 days) January 2025, 21-23 March 2025, 23-25 May 2025, 20-23 June 2025 (4 days). [PLUS: 18 – 21 July 2025 – a 4 day contingency weekend, in case any other weekend cannot take place due to unforeseen circumstances.]
Fri. and Sat. 10:30am–6:00pm
Sun. 10:00am–5:30pm
Location:  Near Totnes, South Devon, UK.
2024/25 Fees:  £1850 (£300 Deposit plus 10 monthly payments of £155 (Sept 2024 – June 2025) (or the early bird fee of £1700 paid in full to be received by 1st July 2024). 
Application: Click here to see the application process.

Places are limited so Apply and complete your Registration early to ensure your place. Priority is given to students completing the whole diploma.


Attendance at one of the IBMT Workshops if you have not worked with us before.


In-utero: the early patterns

We will explore the earliest stages of development from conception and the first movements of cellular respiration, through embryological and fetal development, to the preparations for birth, embodying the movement processes which prepare the fetus for new life. Our study will include the embryological layers and the significance of their integration or splitting for later life; the importance of touch and movement for neurological and psychological growth; the development of the organ systems, and physiological flexion and extension; the emerging sense of self (Stern).

The birth process

This intensive workshop will offer participants an opportunity to explore the movement of birth — a passage of fully embodied action which calls upon the engagement of every cell of the body, as well as the heart and soul of the birthing child. We will prepare by practising the movement patterns which birth the child. Each participant who wishes to may re-experience the embodied passage of birth, within the support of a small group; others may choose to witness and facilitate. We will contextualise and integrate experiences using Grof’s Basic Perinatal Matrix, in order to move towards a greater understanding of how our experience of birth may both reflect and influence the development of the will and of personality patterns.

Earth, self and other: the first year

The transition of birth initiates the infant into a new world of air, space, gravity and relationship. Interaction with, and mastery of this new environment requires the embodiment of several stages of movement development, basic neurological patterns which are inherent to each of us and to our fellow species — fish, amphibian, reptile and mammal. This is a very active period of growth during which phenomenal learning takes place, all integrally connected to the development of neural pathways and sensory-motor integration. We will relearn and embody the rolling, crawling, creeping, pushing, grasping, reaching, playing movements which carry us from dependency and bonding to the earth, towards autonomy and relationship with others, discovering experientially how the senses of self (Stern) develop through embodied experience. The role of the special senses and primitive reflexes will also be studied.



Mel Softley, previous participant on the module writes:

On a professional level this module has supported me in my teaching of human movement patterns in yoga classes and embodiment workshops. The training gave me a lens to witness movement expression, what is emergent, where an individual may need resourcing. It gives approaches to process and practices that can be offered to my private therapy clients in co-creative enquiry.

The module offers a powerful map for personal process and professional practice.
The somatic approach allows for multiple levels of conscious and unconscious material to be engaged through the body rather than the mind. It delivers theory, practice and experience in the inter and intra personal domains of talk, touch and movement. This investment and exploration invites integration for the practitioner.


For more information the other modules, please click the links below:

Authentic Movement and Therapeutic Presence

Embodied Anatomy and Movement Re-patterning

Somatic Psychology