Embodied Anatomy & Movement Repatterning Introductory Workshops

If you have not worked with us before these workshops are specifically for those interested in joining the Diploma module that starts in September 2022.
Spend a day being introduced to our approach to working with the systems of the body. Study includes both theoretical and experiential aspects, with a strong emphasis on the embodiment of a system (e.g. Bone, muscle, organs etc), together with personal meaning and psychological expression. With reference to western anatomy and physiology, we explore our physicality through touch, body work techniques and movement. Please read a full description of the module here.
Meet one of the teachers of the module and be guided through a range of explorations and theoretical information. Take some time for yourself to find your ground, move, stretch and connect with your body and movement. Begin to increase what you notice as you sense into the detail of your body. Have a taster of touch based techniques and our teaching approach. Share experiences and ask questions.
The day includes a selection of movement explorations, mark making, writing, partner work and sharing.
- Saturday 23rd July 2022 – with Paul Beaumont, Near Totnes, South Devon. (Early Bird Rate available before 11th June)
- Saturday 27th August 2022 – with Jane Okondo, South London. (Early Bird Rate available before 16th July 2022)
Times: 10.30am-4.30pm
Cost: £65.00 Early Bird Rate. £80 Full Rate if paid less than 6 weeks before the workshop date.
Info: info@ibmt.co.uk
Covid Protocols:
The government has removed remaining domestic restrictions in England, but we are continuing to work together to enable you to feel as comfortable as possible in the teaching environment. Please attend to what you need and discuss any concerns with your teacher/s, peers and/or group before and during the training days.
- If you have any Covid symptoms, please take a test before coming to an IBMT event and only come if you have a negative test result.
- We will continue to ventilate the space as needed and hand sanitiser is available.
- If you would like to continue to social distance, we can discuss how work can be adapted.
Please bring with you:
- A face mask to use as needed.
- your own blankets, cushions, mats etc.
- Layers of clothes for warmth.