Home » Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome

Photo Credit: Katarzyna Perlak Instagram: kat_perlak

Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome, a current IBMT student, is a choreographer, dancer, artist, facilitator and somatic researcher.  Here she shares notes and reflections on her time on the Embodied Anatomy & Movement Repatterning module in 2023. This module next runs in September 2025. Details here.

There has been so much learning, adjusting, reshuffling, opening and letting go going on since starting this course! So far beginning the Embodied Anatomy Module it is facilitating a fascinating change of perspective coming into somatic movement and touch through the lens of the practicing therapist. This is different for me having had a long history in somatic dance and various practices as an artist/ choreographer/ performer.

Journeying in rest   deep in there we are in     process    continually

speaking from this restful place…. do we feel safe?

can we let ourselves feel safe here?

speaking from sensation   speaking from/ in our imaginations of our journeying  where are our minds at?

which systems?

where do we want to be?


Discovering new language, new terminology, new ways into old practices. Finding new and anatomical language is helping me discover different methods of locating and articulating my own and others bodies.  

As a movement practitioner something hugely beneficial has been practicing, researching and exploring different anatomical structures in movement and in relation to each other to ground each experience within another body system. This has created new movement research curiosities, experiences and interests.


Huge valuable shifts for me have been in a focus on working in spoken dialogue while working with hands on. This has created a space of vast potential and range of possibilities while working with touch which I did not use previously in body work. Also in bringing my voice and questions into a group space.


I discover my “WOW” place and navigate how to be there, play there and when its too much to come back.

I have been exploring the integration of and between different body systems, instead of focusing on one at a time. It was a relief and grounding to play with more than one at once to discover friendly and generous relationships within myself I was not aware were going on all the time.


Fascia contains multitudes of movement, momentum, possibilities, direction, thought, friction, conflict… Allowing myself to bring my whole self, my multitudes into the room – feels liberating and scary.

The mind of any structure – the mind of the ligaments – through being here we can re integrate and rediscover a secure and integrated alignment to support the whole.

Unfurling unfolding pores, opening skins of endless sensation

the dance of the gut body held inside our endless skin mouth – anus/ anus – mouth

pausing to gather inside a moment experienced and re-membering to move again differently.

So much is in the skin, bringing attention here insights remembering into the present in sensuous power.

my skin relaxes   I relax    I release   I move with ease    and sense more ease


softening to bounce, softening to leap, softening to flourish

softening to sense to appreciate sensation, choice, inner space – what does this open up?!

being myself in movement and sounding/ speaking – what unfolds?

pausing to digest pausing to consolidate to unravel

pausing to choose – notice choices, resting to recalibrate, pausing to suggest, to magnify, to bring magic, to unfurl freshly, to languish in loving

lusciousness of sensuality with diversity to and at hand, all inside choice.

layers of skin dance differently

layers of skin smoosh and smash into

intelligence in the surfaces of my skins

everyone all the time spiralling and massive

tasting diving into the imaginations that unfold!


I am discovering a depth in my movement research which was hard to always have access to before starting the course. Now I have ongoing material through the course that is feeding my practice and research, taking me to new movement articulations, curiosities and desires. Spending time with anatomical images and learning some specific names has also sparked my interest and mind to be more involved in my practice overall through realising how my curiosities take me to create my own research pathways which is endlessly fascinating.     


I danced the dance of self love today, I found my heart centre and shared it, stayed with it, moved to its rhythm and pace, decided to let it into my whole body to move in love through love for love for my own way of sensing it and staying with it …. A trans-functional space opens

Standing Still

the organs express themselves

busy from within the movements appear

in a flurry, an un monitored manner

to be expressed, let out into the world

to not judge oneself but to be inside experience

to give myself this honour

this pleasure

this challenge

to be right here

and nowhere else!


The Bones

Our ancient most solid structure still has so much space, movement, powers for regenerating.

Our tissues infinitely fascinating. Coming home to the/ my bones – landing – landings back in… from where?… who have I been, in which environments?.. Is this where I want to be?… Where do I want to be?…. have I been happy or am I living in addictive patterning’s – well trodden and stale?!

These are things I’m becoming increasingly aware of.

Resting bones with the immediacy of gravity’s presence   a treat like no other   never to be belittled or forgotten   treated as a delicious treat

reconnecting to centre    re centring  differently    finding my real reach my true reach  I feel flow I feel opening    I can feel less compression   energy is here with locating my clavicles!!

A massive discovery for me has been naming and getting specific about the axial and the appendicular skeleton and how working between each consciously facilitate such wide difference and diverse experience and possibilities or motion and expression.

Re-centring – changing multiple centres, landings, so much memory stored in the bone, different types of memories than the fascia… Bone and ancestry, Chilean Grandma Rosa, lineage, myth and mystery. Mythology, a living mythology.

Having a hyper mobile body and therefore a super sensitivity to certain stuff around touch, around pressure, around type of touch that is specific and touch that is more difficult to digest.

bones of the skull





sea creature

ameba like





exploring the timelessness of touch, holding and space making

You can find out more about Fernanda’s work on instagram and a recent project here: https://www.continuousdance.com/works/inchoate-buzz-fernanda-munoz-newsome